Empowering Women For The Future Through Financial Inclusion

Bridging Funding Gaps for Women-Owned Businesses in Rwanda and Advocating for Policy Changes and Sustainable Economic Growth


we are

New Faces New Voices Rwanda is a for no profit organisation where women and institutions supporting women work together to expand the role and participation of women in the financial sector. We believe that women are an under-utilized resource and that investing in them is beneficial to our economies and families, and supports the attainment of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Facts about women’s financial inclusion

There exists a gap that negatively impacts socio-economic outcomes for women and girls’ financial inclusion. There is increasing evidence that financial inclusion has a positive development impact by providing access to financial services to the poor (enterprise and household level) while contributing to sustainable development at the macro (financial sector) level. Financial inclusion plays an important role in improving the livelihoods of the poor as it enables them to start and run micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs); save and plan for the future; invest in themselves and their families; and increase their assets over time. It also helps to build household, domestic, and financial sector resilience and is an important contributor to sustained economic growth and  New Faces New Voices aims at bridging the funding gap in financing women-owned businesses in Rwanda and advocating for policy and legislative changes. 

Bridging the financial inclusion gap empowers women and girls, supporting sustainable development through your donation. Enable entrepreneurship, savings, and resilience for the poor. Contribute to New Faces New Voices, financing women-owned businesses in Rwanda.

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